luni, 31 mai 2010

Nisargadatta Maharaj - Eu Sunt Acela

duminică, 16 mai 2010

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin, director la CERN si maestru Zen, a discutat online cu cititorii despre creationism vs evolutionism, materie si sp

de Redactia
Joi, 22 aprilie 2010, 16:21 Actualitate | Esenţial

Large Hadron Collider este cel mai mare experiment stiintific al lumii, care isi propune sa produca particule elementare ce nu au mai observate pana in prezent. Unul dintre principalele obiective este gasirea dovezii existentei bosonului lui Higgs, aflat la originea notiunii de masa in fizica teoretica.

Experimentul a starnit curiozitate, emotie dar si teama in randul opiniei publice din intreaga lume. In Romania, Partidul Conservator a cerut oprirea acestuia, de teama ‘gaurilor negre pitice’ care ar putea distruge Pamantul.

Despre drumul parcurs pana in prezent de oamenii de stiinta de la CERN, rezultatele obtinute, creatiune vs evolutionism, materie si spirit, Dr. Vincent Keisen Vuillemin, seful Departamentul de Inginerie al Centrului European pentru Cercetari Nucleare, dar si Maestru Zen, a discutat online cu cititorii HotNews.

Cine este Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

A construit prototipuri de detectoare de particule proiectate sa masoare energia particulelor ce ies din coliziunea dintre protonii accelerati de LHC

A participat la experimentul ATLAS, cel mai mare detector de particule conceput si realizat vreodata

Impreuna cu Grupul si Departamentul sau de la CERN au asamblat numeroase elemente ale acceleratorului si sunt responsabili pentru intreaga retea electrica a CERN-ului, pentru inginerie si metalurgie, ca si pentru sistemul de ventilație a tunelului LHC si a multor elemente ale masinii

A lucrat alaturi de Prof. Carlo Rubia in cadrul unui experiment ce a fost decisiv pentru intelegerea interactiunii dintre constituentii materiei.

A fost responsabil pentru detectorul central al experimentului care explora rezultatul anihilarii la energie inalta dintre materie si anti-materie. In urma experimentului, noi particule ai fost descoperite, numite W si Z, sau intermediate bosons (bosoni intermediari) care sunt particulele de baza schimbate in interacțiuni slab-electromagnetice (una dintre forțele interactive din universul nostru).

“Il puteti vedea pe Vincent Keisen Vuillemin si in aceasta seara, de la ora 19.00, la Muzeul Taranului Roman, unde va sustine o conferinta despre intalnirea dintre Zen si Stiinta moderna”, fiind invitatul Centrului Seeds for Happiness si Mokusho Zen House.

* Puneti intrebari prin formularul de la sfarsitul articolului
* Pentru a pastra coerenta si relevanta discutiei, nu vom valida comentariile care nu se refera la temele anuntate, care nu contin intrebari sau care constau in atacuri la persoana.

Întrebarea nr. 1 ioan calin

exista particule cu constiinta proprie?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Particles are always in interaction with each others. The concept of a single isolated particle does not really exist in quantum physics. So if particles have consciouness, we do not know, they will certainly share it all the time.

Întrebarea nr. 2 m3th0dman

1.Are there respectable scientists (not only biologists) that do not believe in the Evolution Theory? Macro evolution specifically - organisms do not evolve from a specie to another.

2.Are there a sustainable theories that explain the Cambrian explosion?
As you certainly know, all of the today's complex life form appeared then, in a relatively very short period of time, which is very odd regarding the usual evolution.

3.What do you think about the quantum mind theories? Do you believe there is a connection between conscience, spirit/soul and maybe quantum physics? The idea that our thoughts may come from within the limits of the uncertainty principle is fascinating; in this context not event with the understanding of the entire Universe we won't be able to know how thoughts came.

Thanks for visiting Romania,
A student

În limba română:
1.Există oameni de ştiinţă respectabili (no doar biologi) care nu cred în teoria evoluţiei? Mai exact a macroevoluţiei – organismele nu evoluează dintr-o specia într-alta.

2.Există teorii sustenabile care explică explozia din Cambrian?
După cum prea bine ştiţi, toată viaţa complexă a apărut atunci, într-o perioadă relativ scurtă de timp; ceea ce este foarte bizar, având în vedere evoluţia obişnuită.

3. Ce părere aveţi despre teoriile minţii cuantice? Credeţi că există vreo legătură între conştiinţă, suflte şi poate fizica cuantică? Ideea că gândurile vin din limitele principiul de nedeterminare este fascinantă; în acest context nici chiar dacă înţelegem tot Universul, nu vom putea şti de unde vin gândurile.

Vă mulţumesc pentru că vizitaţi România.

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

In physics we believe, and we know, that from the big-bang, the world went through a very big evolution. First it was mostly energy, then the world cooled off, matter, galaxies and planet appear. So in parallel, I would belive that humankind is not different and also went through evolution.
On the other hand the world has been submitted to great catastrophies, like the one in the Cambrian, where a comet hit the earth. This single cut in normal evlolution made a big changes, dinosaures disappeared and small animals living on nuts and not plants could start their own evolution.

Întrebarea nr. 3 nelu

Il salut pe dl. Vincent Keisen Vuillemin si as dori sa-i pun doua intrebari:
1) presupunand ca bosonul Higgs nu va fi observat in timpul experimentelor efectuate in cadrul LHC, atunci Modelul Standard din fizica particulelor elementare mai poate fi viabil, considerand ca nici gravitonul nu a fost inca descoperit?
2) presupunand ca bosonul Higgs va fi totusi observat in timpul experimentelor efectuate in cadrul LHC, acest fapt ar putea aduce descoperiri revolutionare in ceea ce priveste noi posibilitati de propulsie sau generare a energiei? Multumesc!

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

If the Higgs particle exists according to the standard modeel of particle physics, then LHC will discover it. The model will then be complete. The main question would then be: is there anything else? Are there other generations of elementary particles in our world? If yes a new domain will be open, if not particle physics will end up in a very big desert, as any new generation will be produced at masses far beyong what we can produce in energy.
In both cases that will be a revolution, either new domain of research or our understanding would be correct and that would be it.
So we have to wait for the results of the LHC experiments in the next years.

Întrebarea nr. 4 Sorin

Au fost de-a lungul timpului tot felul de abordari care incercau sa apropie religia si stiinta, de la Teilhard de Chardin la Fritjof Capra. Dar intotdeauna, dupa mai multi ani, aceste pozitii reconciliante s-au dovedit a fi idei fanteziste si pana lurma idei daunatoare. Ele au fost, cred eu, daunatoare pentru ca multi oameni s-au lasat sedusi de ele abandonand abordarea stiintifica.

1. Recunosteti in Capra un inaintas al dvs?
2. Cum vedeti viitorul relatiei Zen/fizica?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Certainly Capra was the first scientist who started the reflexion about modern science and spirituality. He is certainly a forerunner in these reflexions.
For very long science and spirituality were two separate domains. More and more I believe that a profound reflexion will continue in reunifying science and spirituality, even science and religion. That is probably also what most of people would like to possess in their life, knowledge, meaning objective knowledge provided by science but also inner spirituality in their life. So they will be able to unify these two directions in themselves.

Întrebarea nr. 5 Constantin

Desi este greu sa adresezi o intrebare fara sa pari mult prea naiv, in calitate de profan, in fata unui om ce astazi participa la cel mai mare experiment al omenirii , imi fac totusi curajul de a intreba cum vede Domnul Vincent Keisen Vuillemin, director la CERN si maestru Zen relatia dintre religie si stiinta, dintre creationism si evolutionism, dintre materie si spirit? Avem macar un singur motiv sa credem ca Universul implica Divinitatea, ca omul ca parte a Universului concentreaza nu doar materie ci si spirit sau ca spiritul are sanse pentru eternitate? Sau toate astea sunt creatii ale mintii?! Sunt gaurile negre si altceva decat par a fi? Multumesc!

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Everyone is free to believe that the universe was created by a divinity. There no proff what's ever of it, this is the reason why it is part of the domain of the belief. In physics we know very precisely how the universe developped itself from the big-bang. Now where does it come from and why ? We do not belive that any kind of ideal divinity did anything. Probably fravitational waves spread avor a pre-universe, and not observable, gather together and created an accumulating point of creation, pulling in the entise availbel energy of these waves. This is an incredible energy, and it exploded. As mass and energy are the same this energy transformed itself in matter, more and more as the universe was cooling itself off.
Zen is not a belief, religions have belief. So in zen eithet we do not believe to any magic creation by any god.

Întrebarea nr. 6 cocosila

I understand that your scientific background grants you the authority to talk about Physics. As for your Zen Master degree, I'm not sure what that is supposed to entitle you to confidently talk about.

The discussion is apparently not only about "evolution" and "matter" but also about "creationism" and "spirit". Are you gonna talk about "creationism" and "spirit" from a scientific perspective, from a Zen perspective, or you'll mix your scientific knowledge with your private metaphysical commitments?

When you talk about creationism and spirit could you please specify whether it is a scientific position or a private (Zen) opinion?

Is there an explanatory necessity for the metaphysical-religious discourse in a scientific paradigm or a marginal speculative possibility?

Thank you!

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Zen is not a religion. It is a practice of life. It does not deal really with these intellectual concepts, as interesting as they could be, but deals with our life, what to do, how to do it, how to behave? It is a very practical discipline. Spirit, or mind, in zen is not separated from the body, so we do not talk really about spirit but about body-mind.

Întrebarea nr. 7

credeti ca religia si stiinta se pot impaca, sau chiar completa? considerati ca filosofia buddhista este mai aproape de esenta nevoii de credinta dacat crestinismul?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Buddhist monks have a great faith. In terms of belief, they believe in themselves. So zen is not a religion.
It is a discipline to understand deeply oneself, who we are, what is our mind, so it develops a knowledge of our self.
Scientific approach is also developing the knowledge that we have about our world. But we are not separated from our world. So knowledge of oneself and knowledge of our universe go together. In the future more and more these two approaches will become closer and closer.
So the zen way is better to approach also science as religions as it does not have dogmas.

Întrebarea nr. 8 miki

ca practicant de zen, sunteti de acord cu ideea ca daca omul si-ar putea controla emotiile , n-ar mai exista razboaie pe pamant?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Sitting quietly in breathing slowly, observing his own breathing, calming the thoughts, is a practice which helps everyone in understanding better oneself. So in understanding also his own emotions.
This is a practice of peace, and allow the people to know, recognize and control their emotions. Then yes, this is a practice which will help peace in the world.

Întrebarea nr. 9 gigi

1. It is said that the spirit needs nothing (material). Why are you looking both direction (scientific research and spiritual evolution), are you still looking for "the answer" or you found a link between the two?

2. How do you see the future: full of technology and robots or a very natural and spiritual one?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

For centuries, people believed that the body and the mind were separated. It created a lot of problems. In zen we unify the body and mind, and do not consider that any kind of spirit could be around just by itself. As exemple, if you switch off your television set, you do not have any image anymore. Both go together. Same with brain and mind, or consciousness, or spirit.
I just cannot imagine the future with robots. People need to get close to their own self, otherwise they will be totally lost. So I frmly believe that if the world wants to survive, it will have to be more and more spiritual. This is what I wish, anyway.

Întrebarea nr. 10 Justin Puscasu

Thank you for sharing some of your knowledge here!
I have two questions - one for the Physicist, the other for the Zen Master:
1. Is there any evidence that elementary particles are subject of self-organization processes, similar to what happens in biological swarms?
2. All the species evolve by adapting to a dynamic environment. Humans are evolving by adapting to an artificial, man-made, environment. Isn't that dangerous?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Particles are always interacting with each other, under the rules of quantum physics. There is no evidence that particles would have their own will. Biological beings have a much more complicated organisation, and for some of them consciousness has developped. There is no evidence that the same would valid for elementary particles.
Humans and environment are fully linked. In each of these questions, the answer is more on the side to find a third dimension where any contradiction, apparent, is suppressed. So humans I believe go through evolution due to many factors, themselves and envirenmental. Dangerous ? we will see then.

Întrebarea nr. 11 piticu

Omul este Creatie ! Lumina este Lumina Creata sau NeCreata! V-ati pus vreodata intrebarea : cine suntem, care este forma de energie care leaga si ajuta la interactiunea tuturor formelor de energie ?"
ati participat vreodata la o Sfanta Liturghie a Bisericii Crestin Ortodoxe ??
Sa nu uitam ca mari savanti ai secolului XX au "sfarsit" prin a recunoaste ca deasupra tuturor mai "exista ceva"!!!
Doamne ajuta !

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Universe is made of mass or energy. It is everywhere.

Întrebarea nr. 12 Dumitru

De ce oare oamenii totusi isi accepta moartea, asa usor? cumva este o greseala de gandire comuna? vad milioane de oameni suparati pe fenomenul globalizarii, cer protectia ursilor polari sau a focilor in Canada mult mai insistent decat cercetare medicala pentru a supravietui mai mult. Daca cineva isi exprima dorinta de a trai 200 de ani este repede privit urat.

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Everything which starts is bound to have an end. So everything which is submitted to birth will one day dies. It is an obvious fact that everyone has got to accept. The fact that we will die is actually the only thruth that we have really.

Întrebarea nr. 13 Bogdan

In your opinion, which is the connection between consciousness, energy and matter?
Thank you

In opinia dumneavoastra, care este conexiunea dintre constiinta, energie si materie?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Concsiousness and energy / matter should not be separated. Brain and consciousness go together.

Întrebarea nr. 14 bolovanul

1. cum ati ajuns sa practicati zen?
2. ati incercat si alte cai spirituale?
3. exista cercetari care au pus in evidenta existenta ki-ului?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

When I was young I was going to the protestant church. I wanted to find a spiritual way that I can really practice with my body and my mind. Going on Sundays to church was not suffisant. So I read books about zen and I started to look in Geneva if there were a zen dojo. I found it and continued to practice for more than 25 years.
There is a beautiful zen dojo in Bucharest, you should go and try zazen with the other practicants and monks.
Ki is energy. Now the universe is expanding, we believe that it is due to dark energy, the energy contained in vacuity. So yes, there is evidence. Also if you live it means that you have ki !!

Întrebarea nr. 15 Curioasa

As avea 4 intrebari :

1) daca este de acord cu ipoteza ca Universul e o holograma si ca în aceasta perspectiva suntem toti niste Dumnezei , cf cartii lui Michael Talbot , Holographic Universe :

2) daca crede în reâncarnare si ce ne-ar recomanda sa citim ca sa întelegem mai multe despre o eventuala lume a spiritelor ( locatie, dinamica, organizare, etc) (asta în calitate de maestru Zen) .

3) daca raspunsul la întrebarea 2 e pozitiv, daca crede ca exista mai multe dimensiuni decât cele 4 pe care le cunoastem noi azi ( 3 + timpul) si când anume o sa progresam în cunoasterea lor .

4) daca e posibil ca experimentul CERN sa duca la descoperirea unor noi forme de energie utilizabile în viitor ( posibil "furate" de la extraterestrii ???)


Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Zen is a practice of life, it is not a belief in some kind of reincarnation. Questions are: how to live, what to do? Personnaly I do not believe in reincarnation, although the atoms which form our body will not disapear.
CERN, if it exists, may discover new forms of particles. Energy is energy.

Întrebarea nr. 16 adrian

Voi formula o serie de intrebari legate de viata noastra de zi cu zi, la care va voi ruga daca aveti timp sa imi raspundeti cu o opinie personala sau daca este cazul cu un fapt demonstrat.
1.exista universuri paralele? ce uneori apar distorsiuni de timp(fizic sau mental) poate modifica orbita(locatia) pamantului cu tehnica actuala?
4.toate particulele sunt la fel in multiuniversuri(daca exista) sau au opusul lor ?
5.cum comentati experimentul philadelphia?
6.cercetarile echipei sunt bazate si pe descoperirile Hendrik B. G. Casimir, Otto Stern?
7.In caz de esec a unei etape ale proiectului ce sistem de avertizare aveti fata de populatia globului? ce incercati sa aflati originea unui univers cand pot exista infinit? o sa construiti un CERN pe toate din acestea?
9.o gaura neagra nu poate fi o poarta catre alt univers deoarece intre datele (BUS DATA) existente nu exista o relatie de feedback care conform cuantumului efect-cauza este supranecesar.Deci pentru ce interes pentru black holes?)poate si financiar...)
10.cum scapati de energia degajata in sistem (se stie ca nici o tehnologie actuala nu poate inmagazina sau consuma o energie echivalenta din testul final al acceleratorului cand atinge punctul critic)

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

There could be other universe, but they would be fully separated form ours because in betwen them there would be no space and no time.
We cannot change the orbit of such a big planet.

Întrebarea nr. 17 Peter Gluck

For religion, our Planet is a VERY special place. For Science it is one of the billions of planets revolving around a star in a galaxy. Creationism says Earth
is 6000 years old than was the Universe created.
Science has established that there are distances
of billions of light years to the far galaxies. This seems
to contradict the Young Earth concept. Logically there are two possibilities:
a) the velocity of light is very low, snail like;
b) Young Earth concept is a fairy tale for adults
What do you think, Master?
Thank you!

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

The velocity of light is a generic constant of our universe, like the mass of the electron. If the sped of light would be different, our universe would be totally different.
I think it is a nice tale but for children.

Întrebarea nr. 18 florin

Holographic principle would be a big help to researchers trying to unite quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of gravity? What do you think about GEO600 experiment?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Actually nobody knows how to put together Einstein general relativity and quantum physics. This is a real problem in sciences.

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Actually nobody knows how to put together Einstein general relativity and quantum physics. This is a real problem in sciences.

Întrebarea nr. 19 Adrian

Exista particule indivizibile sau doar diverse forme de concentrare a energiei ?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

The lectron is believed to be a point-like particle without any inner structure. Masses can actually by considered as a concentration, very local, of energy. In that sense mass is energy at rest.

Întrebarea nr. 20 Adrian

In contextul cautarii particulelor responsabile pentru conceptul de masa care ar fi cauzele conceptului de timp si spatiu?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Particles, mass, energy is quantified. Space-time is continuous, we do not know how to put these together.

Întrebarea nr. 21 Adrian

Biblia afirma Dumnezeu l-a creat pe om dupa chipul si asemanarea lui .

Albert Einstein ne da ecuatia E = mc2 (patrat) si face afirmatia : Putini vor intelege semnificatiile acestei ecuatii.

Cum vedeti dumneavoatra cele doua afirmatii ?

Va multumesc mult

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

The Einstein equation means that energy and mass are the same. Mass as concentrated energy is linked to it by this equation.
I dont believe in God but my faith in myself is real.

Întrebarea nr. 22 razvang

Do you practice Transcendental Meditation?
If not, what kind of meditation do you practice?

What's your opinion about the Unified field theory?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

I practice zazen, the sitting silent zen meditation.
Unified Field Theory is certainly a desire to unify the forces in universe. It is by far complete.

Întrebarea nr. 23 zoly

Between the atom's particles there are huge empty spaces if we look at their own scale.Particles are coming from an empty space giving to us the illusion of shapes through they came and disappear with the same speed.
Question: From where they came,who send them and where they go ?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Particles are coming from vacuity. This vacuity is full of interacting sub-jacent fields. If a proto-particle connects to these fields, it will pull out energy from them. As mas and energy are the same, when it has pulled out enough energy, it will appear as a real particle in our world. They can also disapear when they annihilate each other, and the corresponding energy will go back to these fiels, namely to vacuity.
It is a physical phenomenon, there is nobody really doing it.

Întrebarea nr. 24 Imanuel

I will argue here against some of the previous contributors, based just on the credentials provided by hotnews, and say that Dr. Vuillemin is much more like a character from that famous book about spices, worms, churches and extreme science.
(Dune, F. Herbert).
Some questions, then:
1) Why zen and not scientology ? Why should we believe Dr. Vuillemin and not Tom Cruise ?
2) Besides the comforting role for the masses (and hence the political implications for mass control),
do we, as individuals, really need any kind of religion after all ? In other words, can we rationally find God ? (Wittgenstein concludes that questions like the last one above are nonsense, just linguistic combinations)
3) Rephrasing 2): science seems to prove more and more that most of our features, if not all (behavior, appearance, biological constitution and so on) are controlled, determined by genes. What's left for the Spirit ? Quantum mechanics, perhaps ? And then Matter is Spirit and so on, the eternal vicious circle ?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Scientology is just a damned fake. You do have to believe, you should believe in yourself, and certainly not in Tom Cruise.
If the people want to believe in God, they are free to do it if it is good for them. Personnally I dont, and I dont need it.
Genes, living bodies should not be separated from mind. A human being is a body-mind complex, no need to separate them, there is no mind without body.

Întrebarea nr. 25 Socrate

Reincarnarea este o chestiune doar de credinta sau are si argumente? Daca exista argumente in sprijinul ideii de reincarnare, v-as ruga sa ne vorbiti despre acestea!

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Reincarnation is just an hypothesis. There is no real evidence.

Întrebarea nr. 26 Kung fu panda

As a scientist eager to learn the results of the CERN experiments, does it help to be Zen in the waiting process?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Yes, results from LHC are expected, it will take some time until enough data have been collected. Patience then. Sure in zen you learn to be patient, sitting still for hours !

Întrebarea nr. 27 roy

Recent, Romania a semnat acordul privind statutul de candidat pentru aderarea la CERN. Ati lucrat vreodata cu cercetatori romani? Ce avantaje ar aduce Romaniei aderarea la CERN?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Yes, I have the great pleasure to work with Romanian scientists, a woman mechanical engineer, and a radiation chemist specialized in the study of irradiated materials. They are excellent scientists.
Romania has been recently admitted unanimously as a candidate to become later a full memeber of CERN This is a great advantage for Romania as well as for CERN. Romanian scientist have been collaborating from the 90's with CERN and have brought essential contributions in the construction of the LHC experiments.
As candidate, Romania will be able to send its young scientists to CERN as Fellows, doctorants and scientific associates. All Romanian scientists will be able to use all facilities at CERN. In addtion the Romanian Industries will be able to apply to the CERN offers for construction in all domains.
In 5 years, if Romania and CERN agree, and if the CERN conditions are met for Romania, it can then become a full member of this international scientific community. Already Romanian professors have come for training and information to CERN. So all these exchanges profiting the Romanian students and professors will also increse.
This is an excellent news for both, Romania and CERN.

Întrebarea nr. 28 Thomas

Trying to re-create de moment Universe was born is already a daring thing and proves that science is advancing fast. Do You think that in some years time will scientist try a huge experiment concerning time travel?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

Time travel is impossible. Time is just what separates events, one cannot recreate events of the past.

Întrebarea nr. 29 Vladus

The LHC experiment was plagued by various technical problems and some people lost confidence in the experiment. IF the LHC will unfortunately be hit in the next years by many technical problemes how many years are the managers of LHC determined to continue the experiment?

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin

After this incident, CERN took a great care in not only curying it but also in increasing safety in controls of the magnets, and other means so if magnets would quench, which is a normal phenomenon, no damage will occur. We made very big progresses so such dramatic event should not happen again.
Also we are prudent in increasing slowly the intensity of the machine.
At the moment we have started and it all goes well. It will take some years before this very complicated accelerator complex reaches its nominal luminosity and energy. The experiments will certainly also continue searching for new phenomena, Higss, others. For such discoveries a big amount of data needs to be collected, this is what we hope to do during 2010 and 2011. Then a shutdown to upgrade things in order to reach full energy.

Human Nature (Vineri, 23 aprilie 2010, 11:10)

Demigod [utilizator]
Certain ideas are dismissed from the start, since they do not follow the general accepted pattern. It happens mostly in religious groups, but this fact is known to have an effect upon scientific and academic world. Some theories are dismissed from the start because they do not "fit" in the general accepted pattern. It is a proven fact, and often it had it's drawbacks.
In your experience, have you encountered such problems?
raspunde trimite

answer (Vineri, 23 aprilie 2010, 11:51)

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin [] i-a raspuns lui Demigod
I am an experimental physicist, so I have not dealt with theories.

5 blind men (Vineri, 23 aprilie 2010, 11:26)

gogu [anonim]
As a Zen practitionar, probably you are familiar with the oriental story of the 5 blind man "feeling" an elephant. Is there any similarity betwen the blind man's "method" and the reductionist principle in the scientific method? Or, in other words, what is the limit of the knowledge we can hope to get by studying the Univers with microscopes, telescopes and atom coliders?
Thank you
raspunde trimite

answer (Vineri, 23 aprilie 2010, 11:54)

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin [] i-a raspuns lui gogu
People still believe that they can know everything if they have a powerfull enough telescope or microscope. Quantum physics telles you that this is not the case, the question of probability enters the game.
Particle physics knowledge is based on a model, the Standard model, but it is still a model although very well verified at the moment. Just the Higgs particle is missing but it will be discovered if existing. Anything else? only the future of the LHC will tell.

duality (Vineri, 23 aprilie 2010, 11:36)

manos [anonim]
Is there duality in vacuity?

The fundamental expression of duality is energy/mass?
raspunde trimite

answer (Vineri, 23 aprilie 2010, 11:55)

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin [] i-a raspuns lui manos
No, vacuity is like tao, it contains everything. It is not dual but contains all dualities.

The future? (Vineri, 23 aprilie 2010, 11:52)

Dragos [anonim]
Since LHC is now built and operating, what will come next?

What are the big challanges for high energy physics apart Higgs boson?

Thank you.
raspunde trimite

answer (Vineri, 23 aprilie 2010, 11:58)

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin [] i-a raspuns lui Dragos
Maybe there are new generations of particles, we will see. If yes, LHC will observe them. If not, particle physics will be a desert up to the Plank's mass. This is a great chalenge, it is THE challenge in particle physics: standard model only or new generations.
Next we will run for many years, as some processes are very rare and it takes lots of data in order to be able to observe them

joi, 6 mai 2010

Despre Dumnezeu(-l din noi)

Eu cred ca fiecare din noi il manifesta pe Dumnezeu. El infloreste prin fiecare din noi, prin fiecare lucru, faptura, actiune sau sclipire de gand.

In continuare, ceva de pe "Razboi intru Cuvant". Chiar daca stilul e un pic prea.. religios si prea indreptat spre auto-invinuire si nu mi se potriveste, cred totusi ca textul contine un adevar adanc si subtil.

Sfantul Ierarh Nicolae Velimirovici
Orice pacat este o sageata impotriva lui Dumnezeu

“Dumnezeu este ultima tinta a tuturor pacatelor.

Cand minti, minti pe Dumnezeu.

Cand furi, furi pe Dumnezeu.

Cand te mandresti, te mandresti inaintea lui Dumnezeu.

Cand urasti, urasti pe Dumnezeu.

Cand faci un juramant, drept sau nedrept, il faci lui Dumnezeu.

Cand desfranezi, te arunci cu necuratie asupra lui Dumnezeu.

Cand nu-ti iubesti parintii, nu-l cinstesti pe Dumnezeu.

Cand invidiezi, invidiezi pe Dumnezeu.

Cand esti zgarcit fata de cei saraci, esti zgarcit fata de Dumnezeu.

Cand cugeti raul, il cugeti impotriva lui Dumnezeu.

Cand vorbesti de rau, vorbesti de rau impotriva lui Dumnezeu.

Cand savarsesti raul, il savarsesti impotriva lui Dumnezeu.

Cand negi adevarul, il negi pe Dumnezeu.

Cand negi binele, il negi pe Dumnezeu.

Cand negi viata, il negi pe Dumnezeu.

Cand negi dragostea, il negi pe Dumnezeu.

Orice pacat este un atentat impotriva lui Dumnezeu.

Toate sagetile pe care le indrepti asupra vietii oamenilor sau asupra vietii tale proprii cad asupra lui Dumnezeu.

Precum sageata trece prin ceata si se opreste in pom, tot asa sagetile tale strabat toate corpurile, toate sufletele, intregul univers, ca prin ceata, si se opresc in Pomul Vietii, in Dumnezeu.

Sageata ramane in Dumnezeu, dar rana in inima ta. Si pana cand nu se scoate sageata din Dumnezeu, pana atunci nici rana nu se poate vindeca in inima ta.

Acela care poate sa scoata sageata din Dumnezeu, acela poate sa vindece si rana din inima ta. Insa cine poate face aceasta? Iata ca tu nu poti nici macar sa cugeti la facerea acestui lucru, deoarece sageata a si zburat; nu mai este in puterea ta sa o prinzi; nu poti sa o afli, nici sa o smulgi. Ea sta infipta in adancul fiintei lui Dumnezeu. Nici o suta de ani de post din partea ta, nici rugaciunile, curatirile si virtutile si nici nimicirea dorintei de viata nu pot smulge sageata si vindeca rana.

Iata cat de necugetata este actiunea pacatului.

Intr-adevar, pacatul omenesc strabate mai departe decat gandul omenesc“.

Acum parerea mea din nou: Cine poate sa scoata sageata din Dumnezeu? Fiecare din noi! Fiecare din noi in orice clipa alege! Vazandu-l pe Dumnezeu in tot ce ne inconjoara, putem vedea si sagetile pe care le-am trimis sau inca le mai trimitem, noi sau alti Dumnezei ca noi. Noi putem opri asta, noi putem vindeca, noi putem scoate sageata din Dumnezeu. Sageata noastra sau sageata trimisa de alt Dumnezeu desavarsit.

E de datoria noastra! - doar o facem pentru noi, pentru Cel care Suntem, pentru Dumnezeu.

duminică, 2 mai 2010

TOTUL e pentru MINE!

Every little thing is just for myself!

For me to learn!

Traieste pentru tine!




joi, 4 martie 2010

Vietile Maestrilor

de Baird T Spalding

Iarasi o Carte, un 'MUST HAVE' - o carte de studiat de oricine doreste sa vada in spatele perdelei de fum..


Cartea Alba - Ramtha

Fara cuvinte


Trecerea vrajitorilor

de Taisha Abelar

O carte pentru toti cei care stiu ca corpul fizic nu e tot ceea ce suntem...
Dar informatiile sunt doar informatii pana nu facem ceva cu ele, experienta traita ne aduce in stadiul de a le intelege.

Trecerea Vrajitorilor

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